Collection: MPH Portfolio Template

III. Courses


In this section, you are to list the courses that you have taken. You can do this either by semester, alphabetically/numerically, or any other way that you would like to organize them.

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PBHL 500: Introduction to Public Health

Provides student with an overview of the field of public health. Major topics include: public health competencies, careers in public health, health disparities, cultural competence, and public health ethics.


PBHL 511: Biostatistics

Introduces statistical concepts and analytical methods as applied to data encountered in biomedical sciences. It emphasizes the basic concepts of experimental design, quantitative analysis of data, and statistical inferences.


PBHL 521: Principles of Epidemiology

Introduces the basic principles and applications of epidemiology. Epidemiology is one of the pillars of public health. Describes the distribution and determinants of disease in human populations. Introduces students to the theory, methods, and body of knowledge of epidemiology. 


PBHL 525: Principles of Environmental Health

Presents concepts, principles, and applications that form the basis of environmental health. Describes the sources, pathways of exposure, and methods of control of the principal physical, chemical, biologic, and sociologic factors that impact human health in ambient, indoor and occupational environments.


PBHL 531: Principles of Health Behavior

Examines the psycho-social, behavioral, and educational principles that determine health behavior. Describes the philosophical, ethical and theoretical foundations of health education in schools, community, work site and hospital settings.


PBHL 535: Principles of Health Administration

Describes the application of administrative theory to health delivery, policy, and planning. Examines structures and functions of management and their application in public health.


PBHL 540: Grant Writing

Overview of the basic principles and practice of effective health education and health promotion grant writing. Provides guidance for identifying potential funding sources and writing a grant proposal that is ready for submission.


PBHL 543: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Introduces several useful pieces of analytical GIS functionality with health applications including: cartographic standards, table joins, and feature symbolization, and spatial analysis. Each unit includes a lecture, a hands-on exercise using ArcGIS, and the data needed to complete the exercise.


PBHL 545: Program Planning and Evaluation

 Introduces principles of program development and evaluation. Develop a health promotion and education program with an evaluation component for community groups. Major topics includes: community needs and assets assessment; program planning, implementation and evaluation of a program.


PBHL 575: Integrated Learning Experience

A requirement for graduation for students in the MPH program. It is an opportunity for students to finalize work begun in APE through oral presentations and submitting a final written report.


PBHL 580: Applied Practice Experience

Allows students to develop public health concepts and skills to demonstrate the application of these skills through a practice-based or research-based experience relevant to the students’ areas of concentration. In addition, students are expected to meet Foundational and Concentration Competencies throughout this course. 200 hours of practical skills implemented in a professional public health setting is required. The data generated in this experience may be used in the Integrative Learning Experience (ILE) project.


PBHL 646: Integration of Spirituality in Health Care

A discussion of spiritual values from a Christian perspective, how faith and Spirituality facilitate the healing process, and how they can be incorporated into patient care. Attention will be given to discerning and addressing the Spiritual needs of patients/clients, family members, and ancillary medical staff in a professional environment.


FDNT 520: Vegetarian Nutrition and Disease Prevention

The role of plant-based diets and exercise in health promotion and prevention of major chronic diseases of affluent societies. The impact of complementary nutrition on personal health.


FDNT 553: Phytotherapy and Pharmacology of Herbs and Spices

A survey of herbs and spices that are used as medicines for common conditions, diseases, and illnesses. Cases will be used throughout the lectures to illustrate the application of nonconventional approaches to treat common conditions and diseases. Pharmacological aspects of selected herbs and spices will be briefly discussed. Topics will include overview of complementary and alternative medicine, controversies, cultural practices, efficacy and safety considerations as well as evidence-based research of herbs and spices. The course will include a list of readings, websites, and case studies.  


FDNT 560: Health Research Methods

The study of research methodology, statistical analysis, and the evaluation of research papers.


FDNT 565: Current Issues in Nutrition and Wellness

Discussion of current issues in nutrition, food safety, public health, and wellness.


FDNT 670: Comprehensive Exam

Requirement for graduation. Examination of foundational and concentration public health competencies.


FDNT 680: Research Seminar

Individual reports and discussion of recent research data.


FTES 510: Fitness and Health Promotion

Examines the role that fitness plays in promoting personal and community health. The challenges involved in achieving personal fitness and weight management.