Collection: MPH Portfolio Template

I. Introduction


Your Mahara electronic portfolio (Mahara ePortfolio) not only provides a convenient, accessible repository of samples of your work completed in the Andrews MPH program, it also serves as a platform to showcase your development as a public health professional. Mahara allows you to create collections of artifacts of your learning that highlight your understanding of foundational and concentration public health competencies. The Mahara portfolio enables you to assess the progression of your knowledge and skillset throughout the MPH program. You may also choose to use the Mahara portfolio to share your representative work with faculty, classmates, and future employers.

Your Andrews MPH Mahara electronic portfolio allows you to easily store samples of major coursework, such as papers, presentations, and products of the MPH program. It is important that you routinely update your Mahara portfolio with at least one (1) sample of work done in each course you complete. This sample will most likely be the signature assignment of each course. You may also choose to consult your course instructor when deciding what coursework to include in your Mahara ePortfolio.

 Instructions and tutorials:

  1. What is Mahara
  2. Mahara Overview
  3. Account Settings
  4. Navigation
  5. Pages and Collections
  6. Blocks (Files, Images, Videos, Journals)
  7. Sharing pages and portfolios
  8. Settings (Preferences, Profiles, Pictures)

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Click "Edit this page" > "Settings" > Remove the text in "Page Description" box and Click "Save". 


Profile information

Israel Cavalli's profile picture

Master of Public Health Portfolio

Name Middle Name Last Name
Andrews University



I. Introduction

II. Evolving Philosophy

II. Evolving Philosophy

III. Courses

III. Courses

IV. Competencies

IV. Competencies

V. Applied Practice Experience

V. Applied Practice Experience

VI. Integrative Learning Experience

VI. Integrative Learning Experience

VII. Research and Service Activities

VII. Research and Service Activities

Profile Information

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

  • First name: 
  • Last name: 
  • City/region: 
  • Country: 
  • Occupation: 
  • Email: 

My Resume




Recent journal entries

Journal 3

Journal 3

in Journal
Journal 2

Journal 2

in Journal
Journal 1

Journal 1

in Journal



  • Article 1
  • Article 2
  • Article 3
  • Article 4